Pheromone Traps


Arka Cucurlure:

Cost effective Eco-Friendly Pheromone Trap for effective monitoring of fruit flies in Cucumber, Ridge gourd, Bitter Gourd and Snake Gourd.

Shelf Life: 3 months from the date of manufacture.

For further details on Arka Cucurlure, Please contact

Dr.P.D.Kamala Jayanthi, Principal Scientist, Division of Crop Protection, IIHR, Hessaraghatta Lake Post, Bangalore – 560 089. Phone: 080-28446815/23086100 Ext No.306 Email:

Arka Fruit Fly Lure:

Cost effective Eco-Friently Pheromone trap for effective monitoring of fruit flies in Mango, Guava and Annona.

Shelf Life: 3 months from the date of manufacture.

For further details on Arka Fruit Fly Lure, Please contact

Shri.P.R.Ramesh, Subject Matter Specialist, ICAR-Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Hirehalli, Tumakuru 572168. Phone (Office): +91-0816-2243175 Email:

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